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Friday, January 13, 2006



How many of us used their Credit Card last year Christmas and New Year Celebration or ordinary day shopping spree? I for one bought a Christmas gift for my sister and the tag price is 400 lower than the regular price but since I’m buying on card they charged me using the regular price! And again charged by my issuing bank! I believe YES we are being charge more than we should be!


Anonymous said...

Im sure user of credit cards knows the policy of any card issuer, local credit card and international credit card have different policy, as long as you pay the total amount of your purchased stuff before the due date you beat them, no surcharge,(international) local credit cards as i have known they rob ur skin off to death specially paying them by certain amount only, the amount u first paid, thast only the interest, why we think they, credit card issuer mushoom like dust, they are taking advantage of the innocent people whom they thought helping them, so users think till your head off before dancing without music

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